Tuesday 22 November 2011




I have decided to offer another candy prize....firstly because I am thrilled to say that I have reached 200 followers this week....Thank You so much.... and secondly because its my birthday next month. 

So here is the candy.....a little bit of a Christmas theme this time.

To enter my 200 Follower/Birthday Candy

Please become a follower but only if you like my blog not just for the candy

Please place a picture of my candy on the sidebar of your blog

So if you would like a chance to win this candy please leave a comment below and I will ask Brogan to pick a name out of the hat on the 22nd November ~ {the day after my birthday}

This candy will close at 9pm on 21st November.



Lisa Jane said...

wow congratulations on your 200 followers, and a very Happy Birthday when it comes .Thanks for the chance to win fabulous candy .. just off to post in my side bar now
Lisa x

Ardilla said...

Congrats for the 200 followers and happy early birthday!!!
Thanks for sharing this goodies with your followers... thanks for the chance!
Your candy is in my sidebar :)

Larisa said...

Hello Debbie!
Great giveaway! I linked it on sidebar
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs. Larisa. xxx

Crafty Loops said...

Oh no.....Im the dreaded No 1 commenter!! Aw well, the comments have to be started by someone, lol. Thank you so much for a chance to win such pretty goodies Debbie. I have it in my sidebar and you know Im a follower already and love visiting your blog. Well done of reaching over 200 followers and I hope you have a great birthday next month. Lee x

mary_chu said...

hi Deb!
Congratulation with 200 followers! Wish you more them!
I will be the first!
i`ve placed candy picture on sidebar!


Kathleen said...

Congratulations on 200 followers and a Happy Birthday on your special day.
I have your pic on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win the fantastic candy.
Kathleen x

Carol said...

Congratulations on reaching 200 followers Debbie. I've popped you on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win. Carol x

Margaret said...

Congrats on your 200 followers. I'll be putting your candy on my sidebar as soon as I've sent you this message :o)

Lydia said...

congrats on the 200 followers xxx

Vicky said...

Gorgeous candy Debbie.....and thanks so much for the chance to win sweetie....!

big hugs Vicky xx

Natalie Z said...

Congrats for the 200 followers and Happy next month BIRTHDAY!!!
Thanks for the chance to win! I've added your candy to my sidebar, and become a follower. Have a nice week, and Birthday...:)
Hugs Natalie xx
Welcome to my blog.

Wendy said...

Congratulations Debbie on your 200 followers,I always enjoy visiting your fabulous blog,your cards are gorgeous....Happy Birthday for next month and thanks for a chance to win your gorgeous candy.
Wendy xx

Creations by Shirl said...

Congrats on reaching 200 follower's... Isn't it amazing how quickly it adds up? Thanks for a chance in winning this wonderful candy... I spy magnolia and oh how I love to ink her up....
Have a great day...

polkadotpeticoat said...

Happy birthday and congratulations.....

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Happy Birthday and congrats on those followers! Thanks for a chance at some goodies!

Luanne said...

Congrats! Debbie on your 200 followers and advance Happy Birthday to you. Thanks for the chance to join


Unknown said...

Congrats on 200 followers :O) Thanks so much for the chance to win this wonderful candy! Hugs! Leah Ann Posting to my sidebar!

Pamela said...

Congratulations Debbie on your 200 followers. The candy looks great, thank you for the chance.

Pam x

CLaire said...

Well done you... 200 hundred followers...
Happy Birthday too...
Claire xx

coops said...

congratulations debbie on your 200 followers and thanks so much for the chance to win your fabulous candy :D

xx coops xx

Lisa Cornwall said...

Congratulations Debbie on 200 followers. Thats brilliant. Hope you have a great birthday next month. Thanks for the chance to win some fab christmas candy. I also have candy at http://crunchiecrafts.blogspot.com

Hugs Lisa x

sue w. said...

Congratulations Debbie on your 200 followers. New to blogging, just found yours. Thanks for the chance to win your fab candy.
Hugs, Sue W.

Fabiola said...

félicitation pour tes 200 membres, j'aimerais participer a ton candy, biz

Anonymous said...

Congrats on reaching 200 followers wow! Happy birthday in advance too! Thanks for the chance to win such fab candy!
Helen x

Liliya said...

Such a cute and lovely candy!! Great way to celebrate!!

BrossArtAddiction said...

Oh absolutely adorable blog!! So glad I found it! I'm now 208, congrats on all the followers!! Thanks for the chance to win! :D


xx Tracey xx

Linda said...

Awesome candy.. Thanks for a chance to win. Happy Birthday and congrats on your 200 followers..Hugs, Linda

Hildes Scrappeunivers said...

Fantastic candy! Thanks for giving me the chance! Congrats on 200 followers ♥

Hugs, Hilde

Rosalee said...

Happy birthday Debbie and congrats on the 200 followers. Thanks so much for the chance, someone is going to be so lucky...sure wish it was me :)
I've linked and I'm a follower.
Hugs, Rosalee

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Wow fantastic candy Debbie, thanks for the chance to win. Congratulations on 200 followers, well done! I have put your candy on my sidebar xx

Prasanthi Viswanadh said...

Oh congrats Debbie on your 200 followers....and advance Birthday wishes to you....iam already a follwer to you ......i put the candy in my blog side bar.....


Annelies said...

Congrats on so many followers! I'm also wishing you a fantastic birthday! I'm following and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Arline said...

Hi Debbie congrats on the followers and thanks for the opportunity to win some fab candy! Have popped it on my sidebar!xx

Muncialda said...

You've always a though for all your followers! Thank you Debbie! You're candy is great! And I REALLY love Christmas stuff!!! *_*

Maria said...

I just found your blog and loved it! Happy early birthday and congrats on your first 200 followers. Great candy!

Ukka said...

what a great giveaway.Please pop my name in the hat, hope I'm lucky. Good luck to everyone because whoever wins it is sure to love it.
Ukka x

Cherry. said...

Hi Debbie!
Congratulations on your 200 followers, and with me now 1 more. I'm new to this blog but I managed to put your picture on my blog: http://mipequemundobydesi.blogspot.com/
I've been pouring over your blog out and has many interesting things, I hope you like mine.
Ilucion would be a great win that pack so beautiful, but me and my bad luck did not go to many places, xD!
Still I sign up!
Kisses and hope that follow my blog.

polkadotpeticoat said...

I would love to enter....

Manu said...

Hi Debby, congratulation for your 200 follower! thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy! Happy Halloween!!

Tina Makuc said...

Congrats on 200+ followers!!
Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy!!! Fingers crossed :)))
Hugs, TinaM

Anonymous said...

Congrats on over 200 followers!
Thank you for the chance to win this yummy candy.
My fingers and toes will stay crossed until 21st november! :))
Hugs xx

YanaKuznetsova said...

Great giveaway! I linked it on sidebar
Thanks for the chance to win!


Loz said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday for the 21st Debbie!! Thanks so much for the chance to win.. I never have enough Christmas embellishments!! Have linked on my sidebar and am a new follower.. off to have a better look at your blog now :) x

copilarim said...

Hi Debbie!! I'm a brand new follower, spending great time discovering your blog:)!! I'd like to play also on your great birthday candy if it's ok with you:D!
I also want to congrat you for all your work and wish you to have at least as much inspiration for the future projects, because your works are wonderful!

ps: i love your blog design as well:D

Copito said...

ongratulation for your 200 follower!
thank you for candy

Candy said...

New follower here! You have a great blog here!
candyyoung826 at msn dot com

Tamara Morton said...

Thank you for entering into my candy and for becoming a follower.. Posh Cat Crafts
PS have entered yours became a follower and posted a pic on my sidebar

Princess Hilda said...

I'm a new follower. I posted your Candy on my sidebar!Great giveaway


Tina said...

new follower and posted to my blog...love the giveay fingers crossed thanks for the chance tow in


Moni said...

Congrats on 200+ followers, I am your follower. YOu have fab blog, love it, and posted on my sidebar of my blog. Hugs,Moni

Јасна said...

Lovely candy Debbie! Thanks for the chance to win!

Leanne said...

Already following. Thanks for the giveaway. Have linked it to my blog sidebar.

Deanna said...

Hi! I'm your new follower and plan on staying and will post your candy on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win! God Bless

Chrissy said...

Congrats Debbie.on your 200 followers...and thank you for the chance to win your gorgeous candy...


Nikki said...

Congrats on all the followers and thanks for the chance at your sweet goodies I've linked and already follow you
hugs Nikki C

Kati said...

Hi Debbie,

congratulation for so many followers. I hope, you have a wonderful time on your special day.


Dragonlady said...

Congratulations on 200 followers and thank you for the chance of your gorgeous candy. I am already a follower and have put a link on my sidebar.

Hugs Ali x

Perch said...

what a great giveaway.Thanks for the chance to win! http://kopilkaideybyperch.blogspot.com/

Neha Jain said...

wow...what a gr8 candy...hapy bday in adv.
thanks for chance to win
posted on sidebar

Marinka Perinka said...

What a nice candy. So yummi. http://kopilkaidey.blogspot.com/

lindaplus3 said...

Congratulations on the followers....November 21st is my daughters birthday... maybe ill get lucky :) I posted on my blog sidebar and on my blog :) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com....... im new to scrapping so i will be stopping by often for ideas and tips

Nadia Marie said...

What a great and creative blog you have! I just came across it and love it! I love the idea of the candy as well. I'd not heard of such a thing until today. Thanks for the chance to play along. I'm linking and putting the photo on my blog as I write. Can't wait to peruse your blog some more! :-)

Pink Dandelion said...

Congratulations on all your followers and wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Debs xx

Janja Z. said...

Nice candy! Wishing you a very happy birthday! I like your blog and I thing I'm gonna be back more often.

Wendy (aka Roo) said...

You have some amazing things on your blog, I just love that snow flake scrapbook page! Happy to be a new follower!!!
Puppy Hugs,
Thanks for a chance to win your yummy candy-I'm placing your candy on my blog
wendy dot roos2boys at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm in;)
Love your blog and all your beautiful cards;)

Hugs Line

Becky said...

Hi, Fab blog and great candy.
A big happy birthday for the 21st. You are now on my sidebar.
I am also doing a blog candy if you want to pop over and enter.
Becky x

Герцогиня said...

Hello Debbie!
Great giveaway! I linked it on sidebar
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs, Tanya x

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday and congratulations on reaching 200 followers!
Great candy to celebrate both! I've linked it on my side-bar and I'm just about to hit follow on your lovely blog!


aesthetica said...

Very interesting blog and sweet candy!
Would love to participate=)

Marjorie said...

Congratulations on your 200 followers hun, your blog is really lovely. Thank you for the chance to win your lovely candy:)

Dawn said...

Congratulations on 200 followers - very well earned! Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy!

Hugs, Dawn

Pendra said...

Hi Debbie, I am your newest follower and admirer! I have posted and linked about your giveaway on my blogs sidebar... visit me too sometime! Thanks for the chance at some lovely candy! Happy Birthday and congrats on 200+ followers!
Crafty Hugs,

Eemeli said...

Congrats on +200 followers and of course Hyvää Syntymäpäivää! (which means Happy Birthday in Finnish ^^). Thanks for the chance to win this fab candy, I put the pic with link back here on my sidebar.
Hugs from Finland, Eemeli

Susan said...

Happy Birthday! and congrats on your blog milestone! This is awesome candy!
thanks for the opportunity!

Jude said...

Congratulations on reaching 200 followers Debbie. I am only up to 13! I have a long way to go yet. Your creations are fabulous and I have added myself as a follower and put your lovely candy on my sidebar.
Hope you have a wonderful birthday.


Zezza said...

Such a wonderful blog, and yor creations are really really beautiful! This last card with the car and steampunkfeeling really gave me ideas!

So a very huge swedish GRATTIS to your birthday to come :o)

nadox said...

Hello thanks for the chance =)

i follow your blog
sidebar : http://sweet-dreamz92i.blogspot.com/


ILARIA said...

Buon Compleanno! i premi del tuo Blogcandy emanano tutto il profumo del Natale... grazie per questa bellissima occasione

Stampersue said...

Hi Debbie

Just came across your blog while surfing and loved your work. I'm look forward to seeing your future creations. Congrats on over 200 followers.


Sny_Smymrik said...

Классная кнфета! Ссылка на панельке: http://snysmymrik.blogspot.com/

LittleCraftsbyLia said...

Hey Debbie, what a great candy you're offering - wow! Your work is always such a big inspiration, love coming back to your blog and finding all the new projects you've made =)

Hugs, Elisa / Tinkerella

LeslieT said...

Happy birthday next week!! I love your blog and I am now a follower! And I have your candy pic/link on my left sidebar! Thanks so much for the chance to win this birthday candy!! http://leslieturner58.blogspot.com

caty said...

Thanks for opportunity!!:)
nick follower: catymariposina
post on sidebar

Barbara GR said...

Congratulation Debbie!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabulous Blog Candy!
Hgs, Babara GR

cebelica said...

Hi Debbie,
congrats on your 200 (now even more, he he) followers and happy (early) birthday. I hope you'll get extra spoiled on your special day!
Thank you for the chance to win these goodies. I am a new follower, but I follow you because I like your work, not because of the candy. :)
Hugs! xx

Loverty said...

My best wishes and congratulation,Debbie!
And thanks for such a wonderful candy!!

Blog Sorteios said...

Hi Debbie.

I linked it on sidebar

Thanks for the chance.

Maria Reny sales

Follower blogsorteios


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