Monday 1 February 2016

A New Start.....For Me At Least....

Good afternoon everyone.

I hope you are all well.

Today it was my first day back at work (or should I say half day) after almost six months off due to ill health.....I'm phasing in gently and hope to return to full time in ten to twelve far so good.....we will just have to see how things go!!!!!

I have decided as it's the 1st of February and my first day back to normality this will be the start to my year.....I will forget about January.....see last post!!!!!

I have started this....

I plan to do this....

I will finish this....

I will complete this....

And this....

And this...

I will continue to be sensible and only do a little at a time but if I manage to complete these few projects this year and remain well then I will be a very happy woman indeed.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

I really do appreciate your visits and lovely, encouraging comments.

Enjoy the rest of your evening.


Jacki Daniels said...

Hi Debbie just seen your last post so glad you're alright that sounded scary
good for you why does a new year have to be in January hope work goes well for you. It looks like you're going to be very busy with all these projects you have to do just remember to enjoy them glad things are improving for you
Take care

Linda P said...

Glad to hear that you've been able to go back to work after a difficult time with your health and the bad start to the new year. I hope you can relax and enjoy taking up the sewing projects once again.

WinnibriggsHouse said...

Hi Debbie
Only just seen your post about your accident, I am so glad you came out of it relatively unscathed, though its surprising that it didn't set back your recovery more. Strangers can be the most amazing people can't they and you sure seem to have found a great bunch.
Glad to hear you managed to get back to work and that you are keeping so positive. Good Luck, the company after all that time on your own will be something to look forward to. Take care Jenny xx

Amy at love made my home said...

I hope that your return to work went well. xx

Brigitte said...

So great that you can craft again.

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